Munich | October 04, 2021
jember now among the top 50 in Bavaria –
“BAYERNS BEST 50” award received
This year, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy once again honored the 50 most successful medium-sized companies in Bavaria with a very special award. The coveted prize is only awarded to particularly high-performing medium-sized companies that have discovered and consistently exploited opportunities for growth and employment in recent years, successfully increasing the number of employees and sales at an above-average rate and thus making a major contribution to the further development of society.
This year, jember was awarded this Bavarian business prize “BAYERNS BEST 50” for the first time. Full of gratitude and joy, Dipl.-Ing. MBA Andreas Hipp, Managing Director of jember GmbH, accepted the award from State Secretary for Economic Affairs Roland Weigert on October 04, 2021 at the Munich Residence on behalf of the jember management.
“The prize is first and foremost a great award for the very good and dedicated work of our entire team. All employees have contributed a great deal to our company’s success in recent years. Of course, special thanks also go to our customers in the automotive and aerospace industries, without whose trust in jember this success would not have been possible. I am delighted to be able to accept the award on behalf of all of us and I am very proud of it,” said Managing Director Andreas Hipp after the award ceremony. “The award ceremony is not only a confirmation of our current commitment, but also an incentive to consistently continue along the path we have chosen.”
In addition to an excellent working atmosphere, the main criteria for determining “BAYERNS BEST 50” were sustainable earnings and economic stability. jember was rated above average in this respect, impressing in terms of both sales growth and an increase in the number of employees. Shortly after its founding in 2016, jember had 11 employees, but today it already has more than 130 at its locations in Munich, Berlin, Madrid, Valencia and Kuala Lumpur. In addition, the Munich-based company increased its sales by an average of 75 percent annually between 2015 and 2020. And the forecasts for 2021/2022 also promise a further increase.

From left: Juror Prof. Dr. Thomas Edenhofer, laureate Dipl.-Ing. MBA Andreas Hipp (Managing Director jember GmbH),
Bayerns Wirtschaftsstaatssekretär Roland Weigert | PHOTO © StMWi/S.Heuser